Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ghost Stories

When I was 4 we moved into this house…about a year later (from what I can remember….I was only 5) I started noticing things like my dolls being moved in the morning, or the feeling like someone was there. A few years later the feelings got stronger and i was starting to be able to sense what was in my room. I was noticing imprints on my bed like someone was sitting next to me. Soon I was able to “see” very clearly exactly what this was. A little boy about 8 years old with dark brown curly hair and big brown eyes haunted my room. I was scared at first, not sure what to do, is I tried to become “friends” with him…I had to remind him to not stand at the end of my bed and stare at me because it scared me…so instead he would sit on the side of my bed…all night long…He was a curious and mischievous boy who never did any harm…just wanted to play, except one night he scratched me…bad enough it left a scar…so I will never forget…This was just the beginning…along with seeing this boy and other ghosts with my “inner eye” There was one man in my room i saw with my visible eye…he reached into my doorway and turned off my light (I slept with my light on).

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