Saturday, July 25, 2009

Old Victorian House, VT

Well this night was by far amazing!!!
It wasn't 5 minutes when we walked inside and took out the EMF sensor (which was tested before) when it started going off like crazy...not just a little bit, but was spiking as much as was possible...(see picture)
We took out the audio recorder right away (click here for EVP's) and began asking questions. Maybe 8 minutes in, we all turned around to the sound of a little girl laughing, unfortunately this full laugh was not caught on the audio. I was asking questions and with each question the EMF sensor would go crazy or do nothing at it was answering my questions. We found out the spirit we were communicating with was a child, about 10 years old. It would not answer my question of which gender it was. I asked it to play a game with me as I set my flashlight on the floor and asked it to move it or turn it on...nothing happened. I also asked it to bang on the wall...Even tho while we were there we didnt hear the banging at this time, 3 knocks did come up on the audio recorder. Several EVP's were caught on the audio as well...17 of them...including, after my question "Are you still here with us" it answers "right here". After asking it to knock over the flash light, it answers "help me". Many others were caught but I have not been able to tell what they are saying yet...

At one point we heard (and caught on audio) footsteps upstairs, so we went up...the first time up there nothing happened, so we made our way back down stairs to the child who was communicating with us so well.
Again, more questions asked, and each one one point early in the night, both my mom and Shannon saw a figure outside carrying a light...we all bolted thinking it was the cops...when we got outside there was no one there.
After asking the child a few more questions and it seemed as tho it was getting quiet now, i heard female voices upstairs, so we ventured up there again. One room drew me in so we took the audio recorder and the EMF sensor in, nothing for the first minute or so. I began to say "it's ok, we're not here to hurt you" at this time the EMF sensor started to spike. It answered a few questions for us determining it was an older male who had no family or friends there with him. I asked him to bang 3 times on the wall for me so we knew for sure he was there...I banged 3 times....then he did (this was caught on audio as well). There was one EVP we caught in the room that I am trying desperatly to figure out...the only thing I can hear from it tho is "Kill them" (I will have all these EVP's online for you soon).
Even tho the activity was strong, we were getting tons off of the EMF sensor and many EVP's on the seemd to start repeating itself...nothing new was happening so we began to pack we were leaving Shannon decided to ask one more question to the answer...he asked answer...he asked if it was still with answer. We decided maybe it didnt like Shannon so he game me the EMF sensor and I asked if it was still immediate spike! I asked the question and it instantly responded.

This was definitely a hot spot and I will be going back at my next chance!

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